Miracle Bead Necklaces | Home Page

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14th March 2025

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Miracle bead necklaces or Shimmer bead necklaces as they are also called are very popular, especially here in South Africa.  These simple yet elegant necklaces make great gifts.  The specialty of these necklaces is that they have an amazing glow in dim light .  Actually they reflect any light but are most attractive  under dim lighting, making them essential for evenings out.  I have submitted  a few samples for your viewing if you click on the link provided above, but your options are almost unlimited (read below).

There is a large variety of colors to choose from as well as pendants.  Colors include blues (3 or 4 shades), greens (3 or 4 shades), purples (3 or 4 shades), golds, pearl, reds (3 or 4 shades) etc...

Looking for a pendant that will suite you.  Well, we have surf boards, dolphins, moons stars , almost anything you could think of to hang around your neck.

Shipping & export:  Order now and you'll receive your necklace by post as soon as possible.  Shipping and export is generally included in the price (there are some conditions - like maybe you live on some remote Island & you want your necklace by courier). So you're wondering how much exactly are the necklaces. Well they're only \\$4 each.  If you are South African please click on the link provided at the top of the page.     

To order your necklaces takes 3 easy steps Œ Simply click on the image below.   Submit  your details using the form provided and Ž Wait for my reply.   Unfortunately a form could never give enough details so I like to contact you and make sure what you're ordering is exactly what you want.

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