CoffeeCup Software make just about the best Web design stuff. They have an HTML Editor that is extremely useful. It comes (the registered version) with over 90 JAVA tricks & goodies. There are CGI scripts & so much more. With a registered version you have access to 1000's of graphics and clipart, sounds etc... It really is good.

They also provide a Style Sheet maker. Everything is form driven almost like a wizard. Very useful...

Or if you don't need something as great as a HTML Editor get one of their JAVA applet programs like: Applet Button Factory - comes with sounds and graphics. Very effective button making tool for web pages(My favourite!). Applet Effects Factory - My next favourite... There are so many effects to choose from like - Page flip; colour extractor, ripple, waves etc... All very cool ways to display graphics on your web page. Be warned there are limitations - the unregistered versions won't work on the net.

So - What do you say? How about a FREE trial download!